#SEC-Update: #LSEA: $10.36
Sector: Real Estate
YTD: -17.52 %
SEC reported Today (11-DEC-2024) that LANDSEA HOLDINGS CORP has DECREASED their #LSEA shares by -32.00% 🔴
Before: 9,065,151 Shares
Now: 6,165,151 Shares
Decreased Shares: -2,900,000
Decreased: -31.99%
Ownership: 16.99%
#LSEA has consistently increased shares over the last 7 quarters:
Q4 2024: 18.01M
Q3 2024: 17.17M
Q2 2024: 16.97M
Q1 2024: 12.92M
Q4 2023: 12.87M
Q3 2023: 8.71M
Q2 2023: 5.54M